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Home » Int'l Products » EU - British » SurgiWrapi" » Indications
SurgiWrapi" Bioresorbable Adhesion Barrier Film Indications

The SurgiWrapi" Bioresorbable Adhesion Barrier Film is a temporary physical barrier to:

  1. Separate opposing tissues and prevent the ingrowth of scar tissues and the formation or reformation of adhesions immediately adjacent to the barrier film.

  2. Aid in reoperation procedures by promoting the formation of a surgical dissection plane immediately adjacent to the barrier film.

  3. Prevent the formation or reformation of adhesions and promote the formation of a surgical dissection plane to include the following anatomical regions:

    1. Pericardium, epicardium, and retrosternal
    2. Peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, bowels, cecum, organs
    3. Dura, spinal dura, peridural, epidural
    4. OB/GYN (e.g. Female pelvic, reproductive organs, ovaries, uterus, uterine tubes, etc.)

  4. Reinforce soft tissues where weakness exists, or for the repair of hernia or other fascial defects that require the addition of a reinforcing or bridging material to obtain the desired surgical result. To be used wherever temporary wound support is required. This includes, but is not limited to the following procedures: vaginal prolapse repair, colon and rectal prolapse repair, reconstruction of the pelvic floor.

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