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CardioWrapi" Bioresorbable Adhesion Barrier Film

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"77% of the estimated 6.4 million people receiving cardiovascular surgery have a need for an anti-adhesion product."

(1996 National Center for Health Statistics Report)

Bioresorbable Thin Film for Cardiothoracic Indications

MacroPore Biosurgery is focused on the development of bioresorbable surgical films to provide the cardiothoracic surgeon with an innovative option for postsurgical healing following interventional cardiothoracic surgery. The formation of adhesions and scar tissue following cardiothoracic procedures results in significant clinical complications and prolonged surgical time.

CardioWrapi" Bioresorbable Adhesion Barrier Film is used as a protective barrier to control the ingrowth of scar tissue and subsequently control adhesions between opposing cardiac tissues; to prevent the formation or reformation of adhesions in the pericardium, epicardium, and retrosternal anatomic regions; and promote the formation of a surgical dissection plane.

Discussion Adhesions

Research, compiled through over 4 years of preclinical studies, has shown that in addition to its reinforcement properties, our bioresorbable thin film also acts as a barrier, controlling the formation of fibrous bands which cause adhesions. Such scarring is historically problematic in almost every kind of operation, often leading to significant pain, and specific anatomic functional impairments, such as bowel obstruction and female infertility. In many cases, additional surgery is required to remove damaging adhesions, but with limited long-term clinical success.

Soft tissue trauma results in adhesion formation. Cardiowrapi(tm) Bioresorbable Adhesion Barrier Film controls postsurgical adhesions.
1. Cellular Response to Trauma after trauma a fibrin matrix begins to form. Fibroblasts, fibrin threads and histamines proliferate.

2. Adhesion Formation fibrin bands form between two tissues. The resulting adhesions pull surrounding tissues together causing adverse effects.

3. Bioresorbable Solution placement of bioresorbable barrier film for the control of adhesion formation and the creation of a surgical dissection plane for reoperation.

Sternal/Pericardial Closure Applications

CardioWrapi(tm) Bioresorbable Adhesion Barrier Film is used to control postsurgical adhesion formation in cardiovascular applications.
1. CardioWrapi" Bioresorbable Adhesion Barrier Film clinical applications include fascial closure.

2. The bioresorbable film can be custom-cut and positioned intraoperatively.

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CardioWrapi" is a US trademark of MacroPore Biosurgery, Inc.

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