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Stem Cells In the News
Based on their promise, stem cells have taken center stage in global news. This has occurred, in large part, because of the tremendous potential of stem cells to treat many life-altering or life-threatening disorders that are difficult or impossible to treat with current technology.
The purpose of this section of our web site is to provide further information regarding stem cell research and clinical news and its forthcoming applications to patients. We hope you find this site informative and helpful. These links are provided as a convenience only, MacroPore Biosurgery does not control the content of the linked sites and does not warranty any information provided therein.
Consumer Information Adult Stem Cell Preservation and Banking
Adult Stem Cell Banking
StemSource © 2002 [Download PDF 53Kb]
Front: background information on stem cells and rationale for banking.
Back: Stem cell banking service description. Includes photos of tissues from adipose derived stem cells (bone, muscle, nerve, adipose, cartilage).
Adult Stem Cell Banking, Part 2 [Download PDF 32Kb]
Call for Stem Cell Banks
BBC News March 2000
Report from the Royal Society encouraging the banking of stem cells. Also discusses therapeutic treatments and escalating adult stem cell research.
Links to Other Sites and News Articles About Stem Cells
Heart Attack Victims to Get Stem Cell Trial
Reuters: February 24, 2003
Bone Marrow Stem Cells Reach Brain and Acclimate
Scientific American: January 22, 2003
Stem Cells Offer Hope to Heart Attack Victims
Reuters: January 3, 2003
Stem Cell Debate Rages On
BBC: December 28, 2002
Spurious Claims for Stem Cells
The Washington Times: October 15, 2002
Discovery Center names two new boardmembers
The Acorn: September 5, 2002
Cell transplants "could lengthen lives"
BBC News: July 19, 2002
Diabetes transplants move closer
BBC News: July 17, 2002
Muscle Stem Cells Show Promise Against Muscular Dystrophy In Mouse Model
Science Daily: July 4, 2002
Stem cells linked to life expectancy
New Scientist: July 2, 2002
Saving Lives without Taking Lives: Adult Stem Cells
CBN News: June 26, 2002
New Study Indicates Breakthrough in Use of Adult Stem Cells
Voice of America News: June 21, 2002
2 new studies bolster promise of stem cells
Chicago Tribune: June 21, 2002
Stem Cell Hopes Double: Embryonic and adult stem-cell findings may re-fuel cloning debates
Nature: June 21, 2002
Rat Liver Stem Cells Can Become Insulin-Producing
UniSci: June 4, 2002
Stem cell muscular dystrophy promise
BBC News: May 27, 2002
Liposuction a novel source of stem cells: New firm extracts stem cells from suctioned fat, stores them for future
MSNBC.com: May 9, 2002
Texas Heart Institute Physicians and Scientists Discuss Advances in Stem Cell Research
Texas Heart Institute: May 7, 2002
Adult cells that reinvent themselves
Nature Biotechnology: May 2002
Stem Cells From Recycled Fat: The Future May Be Now
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: April 29, 2002
Spinning Stem Cells
National Review Online: April 23, 2002
New Research Is An Easier Cell: A recent study indicates that adult stem cells hold the same promise as embryonic stem cells -- without the controversy
Fortune: March 18, 2002
Adult Stem Cells Show Versatility: Work suggests blood cells can morph into liver, skin tissue
MSNBC: March 6, 2002
Stem Cells Therapy 'May Grow Tissue'
BBC News: February 11, 2002
Making Brain Cells: Scientists Create Monkey Nurons; Work Could Boost Parkinson's Cure
ABC News: January 29, 2002
Center Shifts Stem Cell Approach: Va. Institute Will Stop Creating Human Embryos for Research
Washington Post: January 18, 2002
UCSF Scientists Find Stem Cells That Control Life Span: Lowly worm reveals critical signaling system
San Francisco Chronicle: January 18, 2002
Europe Wrestles with Stem Cell Issues
BBC News: December 18, 2001
Stem Cells Used to Heal Monkey Spines
The Japan Times: December 11, 2001
The Case for Adult Stem Cell Research
21st Century Science & Technology Magazine: Winter 2001/2002
Surviving a Media Onslaught
The Chronicle of Higher Education: November 19, 2001
Broader Stem-cell Research Sought
USA Today: September 11, 2001
US Revises Stem Cell Estimate
BBC News: September 7, 2001
Navy Cures Radiation Sickness with Adult Stem Cells
Human Events: July 30, 2001
Adult Stem Cells May Help Treat Kidney Disease
CNSNews.com:July 25, 2001
Seeds of Possibility: The debate over using stem cells harvested from embryos has been complilcated by the discovery that adult stem cells are found throughout the human body
San Francisco Chronicle: July 23, 2001
Ban Seen Putting Embryo Cell Work in Private Hands
The Boston Globe: July 17, 2001
Why Stem Cells Will Transform Medicine: They've been called magic seeds. They have the potential to cure disease, regenerate organs, even prolong life. And they could completely alter the way we practice medicine.
Fortune: July 11, 2001
Fetal Stem Cells Boost Brainpower: Rat study shows need to continue controversial human research
MSNBC: April 30, 2001
I heard in the news recently that researchers have found stem cells in fat. What are stem cells and what are they used for?
How Stuff Works: April 30, 2001
Stem Cells: Scientists May Have Found a Way To Use Human Fat as a Source of Stem Cells
The NewsHour, PBS: April 12, 2001
Liposuction May Harvest Stem Cells: Excess fat could help rebuild bodies
Nature: April 11, 2001
Need Stem Cells? It's in the Fat
Wired News: April 10, 2001
Turning Fat Into Muscle... and Bone... and Blood Cells: Stem Cells Plentiful in Liposuctioned Fat, Turned Into Muscle and Bone in Lab
WebMD: April 10, 2001
Study: Fat May Be Source of Stem Cells
USA Today: April 10, 2001
Researchers Find New Source for Stem Cells
CNN: April 10, 2001
Stem Cells From Fat Cells
CBS News: April 10, 2001
Worth its Weight in... Fat: Researchers Report Turning Fat Cells Into Muscle
ABC News: April 10, 2001
The Best Fix for an Injured Heart May Be 'Home Grown': Cells Harvested From Bone Marrow Hold Promise
WebMD: March 30, 2001
Reversing Brain Damage?: Scientists Restored Function to Brain-Injured Adult Rats Using Their Stem Cells
ABC News: December 18, 2000
Call for Stem Cell Banks
BBC News: March 1, 2000
Diabetes Reversed in the Lab
BBC News: February 29, 2000
National Institutes of Health Stem Cell Information Site
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