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Cell Preservation and Banking
MacroPore Biosurgery is offering the opportunity for surgical patients to bank their own regenerative cells for future use. Directed by Dr. John K. Fraser, our cell preservation and banking facility is a California state-licensed tissue bank. Previously Director of the UCLA (University of California Los Angeles) Umbilical Cord Blood Bank, Dr. Fraser is credited as lead author of the industry's standard operating procedures for cord blood preservation and banking.
Typically arranged through a patient's physician, cell banking is the process by which regenerative cells, taken from a liposuction or other procedure, are stored (cryopreserved) in a liquid nitrogen freezer at -320°F (-196°C) exclusively for the particular patient who banked them. The banked cells, frozen in suspended animation, can be preserved for the life of the individual.

Regenerative cells are stored (cryopreserved) in a liquid nitrogen freezer
We provide the physician with the necessary materials to collect adipose tissue during a routine liposuction or other procedure. The cells are collected in our proprietary collection system. The physician returns the collected tissue (lipoaspirate) in a specially sealed container. When the package arrives at our cell facility, it is inspected to make certain that it was packaged and shipped properly and safely. The tissue is then processed through proprietary technology and the cells are prepared for freezing.
- State-of the-art licensed tissue bank facility.
- Cryopreservation allows cell storage for the life of the individual.
The cells are stored in specially designed multi-pack compartments. The four-pack method enables the cells to be accessed independently for multiple-use by the patient, for the life of the patient. The ultra-cold temperature preserves the cells in such a way that the aging is suspended, allowing the cells to essentially retain the function and activity they had on the day they were collected.
Service and Fees
The fees for collecting, processing, and banking your cells depend on your case and your surgeon. Several options are available with varying fee schedules. An initial fee is charged for tissue collection, processing and preservation, which may also include the first 5 years of storage. If you choose, you may allow us to use 10% of your cells for research purposes. In return, we will provide 5 additional years of storage at no charge.
Alternate programs have a lower initial fee with annual storage fees beginning after the first year. This option is not eligible for the 5 year extension for research donation.
Visit our Resource Center to learn more information about regenerative cells, and to get answers to frequently asked questions about cell preservation and banking service see FAQ Biologics.
A Physician Directory provided in the Patient Information section of our web site lists physicians, by state and zip code, who have offered their patients cell preservation and banking options.
Please Note:
MacroPore Biosurgery does not perform cell harvest procedures, does not practice medicine, and does not endorse or recommend specific surgeons or surgical procedures for patients. MacroPore Biosurgery, Inc., the publisher of this web site, makes no representation, guarantee, or warranty (express or implied) as to the medical ability, competence, or quality of treatment, which may be provided by any of the doctors or medical centers which are listed herein.
MacroPore Biosurgery, Inc., also makes no representation regarding the status of the listed doctors as certified specialists in the areas of medical practice listed herein. Moreover, MacroPore Biosurgery, Inc., expressly denies liability and undertakes no responsibility for the results or consequences of any medical treatment provided by any of the doctors or medical centers listed in this web site.
The information contained in the web site is educational only and should not be construed as offering medical advice.